Saturday, May 30, 2009

A few of my favorite things

I love, love, love fresh flowers. It only deepens my love when I know that these flowers came from my own yard. delicious! I just like the way flowers look when they are on my piano next to my new song book. I found this secret treasure of old school "MIA" recreational song books from way back in the day. They have so many good ol' songs that we just don't sing anymore. Instead we listen with ear-buds to Beyonce while run about the errands and business of our lives. Don't get me just seems like something is missing. Remember when families or a group of friends used to sit around a piano and sing songs? It just seems more "real" to me--old "MIA" song books and flowers from my own yard. This is the stuff that makes my cup runneth over! :)

Late Spring Peony
        Early Spring Lilacs

1 comment:

  1. Umm. I didn't know you had a blog. where have i been. fun to see a little bit of what you've been up to. :) miss you Boo. :)
